Stability. Growth. Freedom.™

Affluence is complicated.

Benchmark Investment Advisors works with individuals and families who are fortunate enough to have reached that point.

More about our firm

How do we help Benchmark clients worry about their money less and enjoy it more?

Planning & Goals
Wealth Management
College Funding
Insurance Strategies

Why Benchmark?

Our Approach

We’re a boutique advisory firm serving a select group of clients, typically with complex financial situations, through our commitment to careful and efficient growth while preserving principal.

Our Experience

Sure, we’ve earned designations and recognition. More importantly, we’ve devoted our professional lives to acquiring the knowledge, learning the technology, attracting the right clients, and building lasting relationships.

Our Process

Over the years, we’ve refined a clear, structured process, rooted in research, and designed to deliver appropriate risk-adjusted returns matching each client’s financial—and lifestyle—objectives.
About Our Firm

Our Tools

Though most prefer to leave the details to us, Benchmark clients have 24/7/365 access to comprehensive account and performance data. We leverage best-in-class third-party platforms to ensure a clear, secure, and reliable experience.

Our Insights

July 11, 2024

3Q24 Market Outlook: The Fed is Navigating a Soft-to-No Landing

April 2, 2024

2Q24 Market Outlook: Navigating the New Interest Rate Regime

January 9, 2024

2023: Extraordinary & 2024: A Return to Normal Monetary Policy

December 5, 2023

Your 2023 Year-end Planning Checklist

November 16, 2023

4Q23 Mid-Quarter Update

October 19, 2023

4Q23 Market Outlook

June 30, 2023

3Q23 Market Outlook

April 13, 2023

2Q23 Market Outlook

March 2, 2023

1Q23 Market Outlook

October 24, 2022

4Q22 Market Outlook

April 3, 2022

Portfolio Construction in a Slowing Economy

January 1, 2022

1Q22 Market Outlook

May 16, 2021

Inflation & Employment Concerns

April 6, 2021

2Q21 Market Outlook

March 21, 2021

Revenge of the Bond Nerds

February 21, 2021

The Case for Equities

February 1, 2021

Captivated by GameStop & Other Corporate Zombies

January 12, 2021

2021 Market Outlook

December 6, 2020

2020 Year End Tax & Wealth Planning

November 15, 2020

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn

November 1, 2020

The Enduring Market & Patient Investors

September 27, 2020

The Age of Volatility

September 13, 2020

The Fear of High-Tech Valuations

August 30, 2020

The Fed and Inflation

July 19, 2020

On Covid and Fiscal Stimulus

July 19, 2020

Introducing the Red vs Blue Portfolio Election Tracker

June 26, 2020

Investing in a Bifurcated World

June 25, 2020

Personal Financial Website Webinar

June 15, 2020

Answering Investor’s Most Pressing Questions

June 1, 2020

We’ve Got High Hopes

May 25, 2020

Market Outlook & Pandemic Payback

May 18, 2020

What Banking Stocks are Saying about Economic Recovery

May 11, 2020

Unemployment & Market Valuations

May 4, 2020

The Way Forward: Separating the Winners & Losers

April 13, 2020

A Bridge Over Troubled Water

April 6, 2020

How Will We Know We are Winning?

March 30, 2020

The Benefit of Patience & Time

March 23, 2020

COVID 19 Containment – A Necessary Hit to our Economy & Investment Implications

March 20, 2020

Managing During a Period of Unprecedented Uncertainty

March 16, 2020

The Way Forward

March 12, 2020

What Successful Investors Do During Periods of Extreme Market Volatility 

February 7, 2020

Q4: 2019 Market Outlook

February 7, 2020

Q3: 2019 Market Outlook

April 8, 2019

Q2: 2019 Market Outlook

February 5, 2019

Q1 2019: 2018 Review & 2019 Investment Outlook

October 1, 2018

Q4 2018: Climbing a Wall of Worry, Part 2

July 1, 2018

Q3 2018: U.S. Economy Climbing a Wall of Worry

April 1, 2018

Q2 2018: Market Outlook

January 1, 2018

Q1 2018: The Year in Review—2017

October 1, 2017

Q4 2017: Can It Keep Going? Powerful Forces & More

July 1, 2017

Q3 2017: Bull Markets, Politics, Threats…And Growth

April 1, 2017

Q2 2017: Post-Inauguration Market Surges Beyond Most Expectations

October 1, 2016

Q4 2016: Market Update

June 27, 2016

Union Jack-Knifed

January 1, 2016

’15 Review/’16 Preview

More about Benchmark’s approach & experience